Friday, December 10, 2010

Rangers Up Offer On Lee. Can You Feel The Tension In The Air?

The Texas Rangers stepped up their efforts for Cliff Lee, presenting a variety of increased offers to the free-agent pitcher in a face-to-face meeting in Little Rock, Ark., on Thursday. "We reaffirmed our commitment to fielding a championship-caliber team and conveyed a menu of multiple offers which represented a substantial additional commitment for both years and dollars in an attempt to land his services," Rangers general managing partner and CEO Chuck Greenberg said Thursday night. He would not say whether the offers were for six years or more, but club president Nolan Ryan indicated Wednesday night that it was probably going to take at least six years to sign Lee and sounded as if the club was seriously considering that kind of commitment. "We talked about a number of different financial proposals that are consistent with our goals of getting to the World Series," Greenberg said on "The Ben and Skin Show" on ESPN Radio in Dallas on Friday.

What if New York doens't get Cliff Lee? It's possible. It's very possible.  I can't think of anything better. Sox get Crawford and Gonzo in the same week that Cliff Lee rejects New York? It must be Hanukkah season. Or is it Chanukkah? Those Jews speak so silly.

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