Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yanks Sign Next Best Free Agent Pitcher On The Market: Mark Prior. What Year Is This?

The Yankees signed former No. 2 overall pick Mark Prior to a minor-league contract. Prior, 30, hasn't pitched in the majors since his last year with the Cubs in 2006. If he rises back to the big leagues, Prior will earn $750,000, plus a possible $750,000 in incentives. Prior is said by a friend to feel the Yankees "provided the best opportunity at this time.'' After missing out on Cliff Lee, the Yankees are left with a rotation of CC Sabathia, Phil Hughes, A.J. Burnett and two open spots. If Prior shows he's healthy, he'll be competing with former Cubs teammate Sergio Mitre, Ivan Nova and Andrew Brackman, among others, to fill the openings.

Yankees provided the best opportunity, huh? So that means there were other opportunities out there for a guy who hasn't pitched in the majors in 2006? I'm not gonna jump all over this move like you think I would because I actually kind of like it. Have you seen The Natural? Uhh ya. Coincidence that Mark Prior is going to a New York squad just like Roy Hobbs. I think not. Brian Cashman has been playing chess while Theo Epstein was playing checkers.

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