Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whitney Houston's Daughter Drinking and Making Out With a Girl

whitney houston bobby brown daughter drinking four loko smoking make out lesbian bobbi drugs
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's daughter, Bobbi, was seen recently at a party drinking Four Lokos and smoking cigarettes. That would be fine except for the fact that she's 17. Oh yeah, there's also a picture of her making out with another girl. That's actually fine, even encouraged here at Ugg Boots For Men. Ah hell, who am I kidding, celebrity kids drinking and smoking at 17 is fine too, especially if you're the child of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. Bobbi experienced more drugs in the womb than Lindsay Lohan and Robert Downey Jr. have in their entire lives combined. The girl was probably born with a buzz-lightyear. I can only hope she takes the same career path to "get famous" as Montana Fishburne.

I can't tell if either of these girls are hot from this picture but I'll just assume they are because if they are ugly it ruins it. Also, what the hell is it with the recent Four Loko craze? How did people not know about it before? Now that Four Loko is being banned, I am here to introduce you to a new way to get drunk in a crazy way. WHIPPED LIGHTNING. Whipped cream with alcohol. Enough said. Fatties and whip-it addicts rejoice.

whitney houston bobby brown daughter drinking four loko smoking make out lesbian bobbi drugs

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