Monday, December 6, 2010

Is Snake Making a Comeback On Facebook? UPDATE!

I'll say this now. You don't want me to get involved in Snake. I remember a couple years ago there was this craze about the helicopter game and shit got out of hand. I mean it got personal. People I was friends with would soon become my competitors. "You want to borrow a pen? Fuck you. That was my high score you took down you butt monkey." Random freshman bitches would challenge me. I don't know. I didn't like the feeling I got from dominating a 15 year old girl(that doesn't sound right). Every new round was like my own version of D-Day. No prisoners, no mercy. So this is just a warning for all of you. If I get invited to play Snake, it's on. Oh, it's on. Tommy Slick from Chicago, Illinois. That's how on it'll be.


 You hear that? That's the storm brewing inside me right now. I don't know who's in first place or whatever but be prepared to have your seat pulled out from under you.

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