Friday, December 3, 2010

Did Cavs Fans Seriously Chant "Scottie Pippen" Last Night?

showering LeBron with boos and the occasional organized chant - among them, "Akron hates you!" and "Scottie Pippen" - every time he touched the ball.

Whoa. Don't go there. I know Scottie Pippen. I was a fan of Scottie Pippen. Scottie Pippen is a friend of mine. Lebron James is no Scottie Pippen. You gotta come up with a better chant than that. You're not exactly hurting Lebron's feelings when you call him a hall of fame 7 time all-star and 6 time NBA champion. Sounds like more of a compliment when you compare what Lebron has done. Which is uhhhh nothing.

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