Thursday, December 16, 2010

This Is The Destruction Of a Star.

Ronaldinho, 30, has struggled to live up to expectations since leaving Barcelona in 2008 and, with his contract due to expire in the summer, there have been persistent reports that he will be moving on.Ronaldinho would welcome a move to Palmeiras if he decides to leave AC Milan, according to his agent. Palmeiras have announced their interest in taking the player back to Brazil and, while the player is yet to make a decision, brother and agent Roberto de Assis has revealed a deal is possible. "Ronaldinho would like to return to Brazil because he has the desire to win the trophies that he is still missing, like the Brasileirao and the Copa Libertadores, and Palmeiras are a club of great prestige," he told Radio Bandeirantes.

I'd be lying if I said this doesn't tear me up inside because I know Ronaldinho's competitive soccer career is over after this. You don't go from the Italian league which is pretty much nancy boy soccer to the Brazilian league and then think about making a name for yourself again on the International stage. David Beckham is the only exception because he's an absolutely beautiful piece of human specimen. Just look at how Ronaldo's career ended. He's still puttering around for Corinthians and bitches love him in Brazil because he's their national hero and always will be but soccer is a global game and you gotta be on top of the world to be newsworthy these days. The bottom line is you don't go down to the minor leagues in the prime of your career and then make a comeback. Unless you're Mark Prior. I'm telling you, that was a great signing by Cashman. Remember when the Sox signed Smoltz and Brad Penny? Oh. Wait. That didn't work out at all.

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