Thursday, December 23, 2010

This Is So Dumb.

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Procter & Gamble Co. will not renew its endorsement deal with golfer Tiger Woods at the end of the year, adding another name to the list of companies that cut ties with the golfer after last year's revelations of marital infidelities. The company used Woods, Roger Federer, Lionel Messi and dozens of other athletes as part of its three-year "Gillette Champions" marketing campaign. Gillette said Thursday it was phasing out that program and not renewing the contract with Woods and several other athletes. It stopped using Woods himself in the campaign months ago. The golfer was once the most sought-after pitchman in sports and was the first athlete to earn $1 billion from endorsement agreements. However, many corporations cut ties or distanced themselves from Woods.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. Everyone and their mother should know Tiger is coming back and coming back hard in 2011. He's single, he's stronger, he's got his head right and most importantly, he has facial hair. And now that goatee finally makes sense to me. Tiger obviously knew Gillette was cutting ties with him at the end of the year so what does he do? He starts rocking the facial hair as a fuck you to Gillette razors. Like who needs that shit? If I'm Tiger, I'm growing a fucking beard down to my balls when I put the green jacket on next year. Fuck sponsorships and fuck caring about what people think. "Yeah, I look dirty. Yeah, I slam out 200 chicks a year. Yeah, I curse like a sailor on the golf course. Yeah, I show up to work and everybody is terrified of my next move. And you know what? I love me some me."

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