Friday, December 10, 2010

This Kid Is More Famous Than The Dude Who Threw a Shoe at George W.

This fucking kid. That's all I can say about him whenever I see his weird, smushed face. This. Fucking. Kid. It's actually more of a deep breath followed by a long sigh then a "this fucking kid." Pretty much what I do when I see anyone out of my house. Stop hogging all the spotlight, asshole. He's gotta have friends, right? Maybe some dorf looking chicks? I wanna see some booty shaking from the chicas in the next video. Give us something to talk about. Put asses in the seats. He's just a little shit. He's the kid who would in the last seat on the school bus and give the finger to every car behind it and maybe occasionally let his left butt cheek hang out of his jeans. That shit was funny when it was done the first time. Now it's rude. I'm not joking when I say this kid is gonna catch an ass whooping soon. Put me, him, Bieber and Meredith Viera in the ring together and let's get to getting it on.

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