Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can We Stop Calling Brett Favre a Big Game QB Now?

When's the last time Favre showed up in a big game? And don't tell me last night's regular season game wasn't a big one. Coming out against his former team, national television audience, Randy's first game back with the Vikings and not to mention Brett was battling some sexual harassment allegations. Just a complete statement game. Last night was huge for his legacy but he fell apart just like he always does and yet people still say they want the ball in his hands at the end of a game? Really? Forget the fanfare that comes with his name and look at the facts. He's a 41 year old QB on one bad ankle with a tendinitis in his elbow. He's a flash of his former self at this point. The throws that he could squeeze in there at 30 are no longer there at 41 and he doesn't understand that. I mean the last interception wasn't as bad as the 2 previous throws that he completely choked on. Matt Leinart could've hit a wide open Harvin with no defenders within 25 yards. The bottom line is he plays like a fucking dickhead and I thank God I'm not a Viking fan. I had to get one penis line in there.

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