Sunday, October 24, 2010

11 Year Old Thinks He's Latarian Milton Or Something

An 11-year-old boy led a dozen police cars in pursuit as he "drove in circles" around this small South Carolina town on a joy ride, the first of two this week that landed him in juvenile jail, police said Thursday. The youngster, a fourth-grade student, was not identified because of his age. Marion Police Lt. Farmer Blue said the boy is accused of driving off Monday evening in a fire department pickup truck that had been parked after an exercise near a training area. "He put us on a real chase," Blue said in a telephone interview. "We had a line of cars after him." Blue said the youngster led officers on a 45-minute chase around the city Monday evening, never exceeding 45 mph during a pursuit that stayed within Marion limits. "He blew through stop signs. He drove in circles," Blue said. The boy stopped only after he'd driven by his home several times and his mother recognized him when she came out to see what was going on, according to the officer. "He stopped after his mother jumped in front of the truck," Blue added. Blue said the boy, who was released to his family, drove off the next day in an SUV reported missing from a restaurant near the youngster's home. "I spotted him about two blocks from he lives, and he led us on a 45-minute chase again," Blue said. "He said he just got tired of walking and wanted a ride."

Well I hope the police department learned their lesson. Yes, the police department. You don't chase after some 11 year old kid for 45 minutes and let him get away with a simple slap and the wrists then think he won't go out and do hood rat things with his fiends the next day. You wanna do some damage control then you put the fear of God in his eyes and make sure he never acts up again.  I'm talking hell in a cell type shit. Mankind Vs. The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble. Throw him in an isolated box and make him sweat until he cracks and only then do you bring him out to the interrogation room where there's one single spotlight and a guy named Hector waiting for him with leather gloves. I'll let your imagination take it from there but something tells me that 11 year old little fucker won't be able to sit down in a driver's seat for weeks.

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