Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Must Be Nice Being a Yankee Fan. Oh. Wait.

I've seen this scenario play out before. Your team is down 3-0 or 3-1 and you come back to win it because your team was the better one all along. It's possible. If that team was Boston and not New York because don't get it twisted, bitches. Texas is the better squad in this series. They are absolutely crushing the Yankees in every statistical category and should have probably swept them by now if it wasn't for that game 1 flub job. But I mean it's possible for the Yanks to come back. All you gotta do is win 3 in a row and then beat Cliff Lee in game 7 on his home turf so you got that going for you which is nice. So now cue all the Yankee fans talking about their 27 championships and how they at least limped into the playoffs and the Sox have been playing golf for weeks now and blah, blah, blah. Ok. It's an effective argument if your team is on the verge of winning a world series but in reality it's like you're telling me you're the better man because you went to the prom and got dumped and puked on while I was home and free of all that humiliation. Texas Rangers and George W. Bush just took a huge shit on the chest of every Yankee and us Red Sox fans have been watching Tom Terrific kill it on a weekly basis now for 6 weeks. Fact.

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