Monday, October 25, 2010

Greatest Work Fight Ever Recorded On Facebook? (Click On Picture To Enlarge It)

At first, I was thinking it was a real job like she has to be nice because it's some sort of public relations shit. Ya know, like something respectable that you could throw down on a resume. Not so fast my friends. It seems here we have some rather odd looking chicks battling over their job performance. At a Dunkin Donuts. Let me repeat that. Job performance at Dunkin' Donuts. Not a corporate building but a store where the job requires you to A) take orders, B) pour coffee, C) be able to count money D) toast a bagel and maybe throw some cream cheese on there if you're feeling saucy. That's it. I don't know how you fit sexual harassment in there but let's move on.
Adam Foley gets himself back into the ring because he "still get it in" and we shouldn't worry about he "be lookin" cause the other girls looks like someone beat her with a bag of doorknobs. The intelligence in this conversation here is mind blowing.Where do they go to schoo? Oh..
I don't believe this Nicole character when she says she doesn't care about some dude grabbing on her tit when she goes for the ice coffee. You just start calling girls whores if you don't have some hidden animosity deep down in your soul. Like the great ryan dubois says, "stop talking about it and be about it cunt." Stay, classy. Who the fuck are these kids?
Adam Foley has been on the streets since 1998. That's 12 years(I had to do the math for him). And hey, bro. We have a word for guys who have been on the streets for 12 years. It's called homeless. We also have a word for your plan of giving her herpes when you see her. It's called rape.

P.S. Shopping sprees at Goodwill don't really count as shopping sprees when your using the old monopoly money you found in the garbage behind your crack den. 

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