Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gilbert Arenas Fined For Being a Great Friend

WASHINGTON -- Gilbert Arenas has been fined for faking an injury to keep from playing in the Washington Wizards home preseason opener. Coach Flip Saunders said Wednesday that Arenas was fined an undisclosed amount by the team for claiming to have a sore knee before the Wizards' game against Atlanta on Tuesday night. Arenas said after the game that he pretended to have a bum knee to give teammate Nick Young a chance to start. "I told [Young] I'd sacrifice playing tonight so he can get some time in because I know he's kind of frustrated he's not getting a chance to crack the [small forward] position, especially since we're going three guards," Arenas said Tuesday, smiling. "So I told him I'll go and fake an injury or say something's wrong with me so you can start." When asked how his knee is feeling, Arenas said, "I'm fine," The Washington Post reported. Arenas signaled he would play in the Wizards' game Thursday against the Milwaukee Bucks, according to The Post. It would have been Arenas' first game at home since his 50-game suspension and felony conviction for bringing guns into the locker room last season.

I heard Hannah Storm trying to put Arenas on blast this morning for this and it didn't surprise me. I wouldn't expect a female to understand what it means to be a dude. It's pretty fucking admirable if you ask me. Arenas sees that his boy isn't getting enough minutes so what does he do? He says go on without me, I'll cover you from the trenches and if I don't make it, tell my wife I love her because the world needs you more than it needs me at this time. And by this time, I mean the preseason. Arenas doesn't need those reps at this point in his career. If this was war we'd be handing him a medal of honor.

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