Monday, October 18, 2010

Laser Tag Gets Real For Justin Bieber

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating reports that a 12-year-old boy was punched in the face by Bieber, 16, while playing laser tag in Richmond, British Columbia, on Friday just before 5:30 p.m., reports the Vancouver Sun.  According to a statement by police about the assault allegations, the boy sustained minimal injuries and did not require medical attention at the time of the incident.  But Bieber supporters are coming to the pop sensation's defense, saying that he was, well, just defending himself in the spirit of the game after he found himself at the center of a full-fledged laser tag attack.  "Like any other kid playing laser tag, he just bolted right through the pack of kids and accidently hit one of the 12-year-old kids around the face area," Canadian blogger Zack Taylor, who first reported on the incident, told the Today Show on Monday.  And perhaps there was more to the attack than laser shots: According to the Today Show, reports have also alleged that Bieber may be the latest victim of bullying, saying the other players were taunting Bieber with homophobic remarks.  Staff members at the arcade told Taylor that Bieber admitted to police that he may have accidently pushed the boy while running away, and police let him go at the time of the incident.

You really can't make this shit up but I can totally see it happening.  Listen, laser tag aint a game. Laser tag is fucking war as far as I'm concerned and you gotta go in there with your head on a swivel at all times. And if you get called out by one of your competitors? So be it, that's the art of war. You can't bolt through a pack of kids like it's some guerilla warfare and start acting like a jackass. Plus what was he doing with a bunch of 12 year old kids? He's really gonna get pissed off because a 6th grader called him a faggot? I've been called names in laser tag but you don't see me getting arrested or throwing hay makers at toddlers because society frowns upon that. You know what society doesn't frown upon? Victory and that's exactly where the story ends when you're talking about me and simulated warfare.

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