Monday, October 11, 2010

Make Fun Of Brady's Hair Today, Get Traded Tomorrow

Charley Casserly, an ex-NFL general manager who now works on CBS’ NFL pregame show, reported that Moss and Brady went toe-to-toe and had to be separated last week. According to Casserly, Brady did not like Moss’ behavior. During the argument, Brady was overheard telling Moss he needed to cut his beard. Moss countered by telling Brady he needed a haircut and that he looked like a girl.

First of all, I love Tom's hair. I think it's terrific. The way it blows in the wind and curls out the back of his helmet on a warm autumn day is rather majestic. Do I think Randy told him his hair made him look like a school boy bitch? Absolutely. It's what guys do to each other. Did Tom tell Randy to shave his beard because he looked like a typical black guy with no job? I hope so. But was there every really an actual heated argument that took place? Fuck. No. Listen, Randy Moss is no idiot. He might be an asshole but he's not dumb. He knows who the guy is who has to throw him the ball and he knows the New England QB might be the second coming of Jesus. Moss wouldn't intentionally try to throw down with God's son. Chalk it up to boys being boys.

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