Monday, October 25, 2010

Brett Favre Sucks. The State Of Minnesota Sucks. Tom Brady Rules. New England Rules

When's the last time Brett Favre won a close game? How do people in Minnesota survive? The Vikings suck. The Twins choke on their own cocks every October, The Timberwolves haven't had a winning season since we stole KG and the Wild might be the most forgotten hockey team and hockey is already the most forgotten sport in the country. Not to mention how's the weather up there this time of year? I mean just kill yourselves. In the words of Colin Cowherd, "take and ice pick and jam it in your eyes." Then we have Tom Terrific. When's the last time he won a close game? Oh, yesterday and the week before that against Baltimore. The Bruins are solid, Celtics are going for banner #18 this season and the Sox are currently courting Carl Crawford over some steak and eggs. What this all boils down to is we're going to absolutely crush the shit out of Favre and the Vikings next week on Halloween. I have no doubt in my mind about that. Minnesota is god awful and every game it's only a matter of time before Favre blows it and I wonder how that must feel for a fan base. That your QB and #1 asset is the reason why you're 2-4. It's kinda like the south in the Civil War. They talked a big game and once they got into it, they kinda realized they were gonna get slapped the fuck off the planet but they had to keep fighting because it would look bad if they just quit 6 weeks in. That's Brett Favre. He thought he was superman but he's really a 40 year old guy with one ankle, a bad elbow, a sexual harassment case over his head and a really, really bad head coach.

P.S. I hope Brandon Meriweather murders Randy Moss next week. I'm talking about him leaving the field on a stretcher and giving the crowd a thumbs down.

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