Friday, October 29, 2010

I Told You I Didn't Like The Delonte West Signing

The Celtics took a bit of a risk when they decided to bring Delonte West back to the team for a second tour of duty this season. Besides the fact that West wouldn't even be able to play during the first 10 games of the season due to a league suspension for pleading guilty to multiple weapon charges in July, there was the possibility that West's emotional state could randomly force him to miss time, as it did with the Cavaliers last season. West's emotions got the better of him at Celtics' practice on Friday when he reportedly got into a physical altercation with teammate Von Wafer in the locker room after practice. According to the report from Hoopsworld, the problems began during the practice session, with West getting so physical with Wafer in a three-on-three game that Wafer left midway through and headed to the locker room. West approached Wafer from behind as Wafer sat at his locker and threw the first punch, with Wafer quickly responding by connecting two blows of his own before the two wrestled to the ground and had to be separated.  The reason for West's actions? According to Yahoo!'s Adrian Wojnarowski, West believed Wafer was responsible for an anonymous quote that said it was "obvious" when West hadn't taken his medicine. Whatever the reason, this may have been the last straw for West in Boston. This isn't the first time he's gotten into it with teammates this season, and the team is said to be tired of his confrontational attitude.  The Hoopsworld report goes on to say that after this latest incident, the Celtics are considering releasing West, who is on a non-guaranteed contract with Boston for this season. 

I thought it was funny how we picked up Delonte after he banged Lebron's mom but deep down I knew this wouldn't work. I've always hated Delonte West, even when he was a Celtics the first time around. Something about him turned me off. It's actually a fact that the first impression you have of somebody within the first 15 seconds you meet them is usually spot on. Maybe the way he carries himself or the herpes on his mouth or the fact that he looks like a hood rat was the red flag. I didn't know even know he was a nutjob who needed medication so that's actually explains a lot. The bottom line is he's an asshole who need to be put in his place. If you wanna start a fight then cool as long as the other guy wants to get into it also. But don't try to mix it up during practice, have the other guy walk away because he knows he would whoop your ass then go and give him a cheap shot when he's at his locker. That's a bitch move and a punk move and Boston is no place for bitches or punks. Who do these guys think they are? This isn't your own fucking playground in Harlem. We're trying to win a championship here. We don't need the last 2 guys off the bench duking it out as if they actually mean something to us. Cut them both.

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