Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'd Go To War With Sean Avery

Just 4 minutes 20 seconds into the Rangers3-2 victory Saturday night, Bruins defenseman Mark Stuart caught Rangers forward Ruslan Fedotenko with his head down in the neutral zone and flattened him with a check that came pretty close to Fedotenko’s head and neck. No penalty was called. An instant later, Sean Avery jumped Stuart, and the two traded punches in a short but furious fight. Avery received an extra 2 minutes for instigation and a 10-minute misconduct, but he acted according to the game’s unwritten code, which calls for immediate payback for practically any perceived transgression. Neither Avery nor Mark Stuart spoke to reporters afterward. But Rangers Coach John Tortorella said he “liked the way we protect each other.” He added, “I have no problem with what Sean did.” 

The part I like most is that it didn't even seem like Avery thought about it. He sees his brother get head a little high above the shoulders and his primal instinct takes over. And what's Jack Edwards' deal? Every time the Rangers play Boston he trashes Avery. He calls him a pussy because he got in the last punch while Stuart was falling down? OK. Avery is also like 5'7'' and didn't even think twice about going at Stuart, who has a good 5 inches on him so you tell me who the pussy was.

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