Monday, October 11, 2010

I Swear This Asshole Cut Me Off Today

Dennis motherfucking House. The king anchor over at WFSB. Listen, I'm a pretty courteous driver. I like to think I obey the rules of the road. I don't drive fast but by no means do I drive slow. The bottom line is there seems to be a code that exists between our fellow man and Dennis House rudely took that code, threw it on the ground, spit on it then wiped his ass with it today. Case in point. I'm driving up to the ATM, clearly next in line and I see this asshole coming up strong on my right in a saab. When I say coming up strong, it was like Corey Dillon 2005 speed trying to pound the A-gap. And before you know it, Whoosh! Dennis House cuts me off like it's no big deal. Like the $20 I was about to withdraw was nothing compared to dime piece he was about to take out to bet on the Jets/Vikes game tonight with Scott Haney. I obviously don't expect a full blown apology but a simple wave would have been OK. Maybe a little nod that says "hey bro. My bad. Bitches be runnin wild." I would have said through man gestures, "word, bro. Do it again though and I'm gonna stab you in the throat with the bone of your nose cause rza don't play no games at the ATM." I didn't think that was too much to ask and it really got me heated. Who the fuck does Dennis House think he is? He's certainly not Brian Williams because I love Brian Williams and if Brian Williams wants to make out with my future wife, then go ahead Brian Williams because you are America and I love America. Dennis House is a punk. He's just pissed off because he has to play second fiddle to Scott Haney over at WFSB. He knows Haney is only guy who puts asses in the seats every morning and that's gotta hurt his mojo because his wife is on some Better CT show with Haney in the afternoon where they talk about homosexuals and cooking and shit and all Dennis has is some blog where he talks about politics and what's poppin in CT. Well you know what's poppin in CT? Ogling Ed Hochuli and we're coming for your ass. It's over once I find you on twitter.

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