Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mandatory Blog Post. If 3 People Send It To Me, It's Mandatory.

People probably think I'm gonna make fun of the because he has a bad case of the gay and he's a bieber fan but guess again. This is how I feel when cocksuckers wanna bash on Tom Brady or David Beckham. This kid has balls in every sense of the word. And I apologize for the previous statement about him having the gay because he's not gay. He's in between, he thought he was gay but then he found out he's not gay but he doesn't really know so he might, maybe be a gay. I mean he's still young so he'll see if he's gay. But idolizing Justin Bieber is very, very gay so that should be something go off of.

P.S. He's standing strong. Fuck your metal music.

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