Monday, May 3, 2010

Jack Bauer's Days Are Numbered

LOS ANGELES — Eight seasons in, "24" was 86'd. But cast and crew were still counting their blessings at the drama series' finale party. By the time the last episode airs on May 24, there will have been nearly 200 hours of "24." To date, there have been 18 Emmy wins. "I think over the course of the eight years, we've had 16 marriages and 30-something children have been born," said star Kiefer Sutherland, who portrays federal agent Jack Bauer on the series. "We were like a family. So, it's very hard to say goodbye."

I always said the day Jack Bauer died would be the saddest day of my life and he might not be dead but he might as well be. Now that we know the show is ending this season, Bauer better go out guns blazing. It'll be a happy ending if he ends up saving the world and he walks away on top but the legendary finale would be for him to go face to face with the terrorism, look it in the eyes and sacrifice himself for the greater good of democracy.

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