Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spencer Pratt is Fucking Crazy

As I'm sure you already know, the Hills series finale was earlier this week and ended with a great bang: it proved to all its dumb-ass followers that the entire show is fake. But the real story is that Spencer Pratt ( The "Sp" of "Speidi", if you will) tried to crash the finale. The problem with these reality shows is they give completely useless people the strange idea they actually matter in this world. In everybody's eyes, Spencer is a nobody that doesn't deserve the fake fame he received. The great part about the story is, because he's a fucking psycho, he knew he wouldn't be allowed at the finale. Now most people would simply give up, but not Spencer. He got the awesome idea to dress up like an old man. They'll never know! Unfortunately for Spencer and fortunately for everybody else in this world, his idiotic attempt to sneak in failed and he was promptly removed from the premise.

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