Thursday, July 22, 2010

Justin Bieber Drives Diddy's Lamborghini Gallardo

justin bieber lamborghini gallardo diddy usher sean kingston
Justin Bieber turned 16 back on March 1st and Diddy promised him the keys to his $200,00+ white Lamborghini Gallardo for his birthday. Bieber just got his license 3 months ago but thought Diddy was just kidding. He told People magazine in March...
"He said when I turn 16 he was going to give me his Lamborghini. We all know Diddy's not going to give me his Lamborghini, he's all talk."
justin bieber lamborghini gallardo diddy usher sean kingston
Bieber was spotted driving Diddy's Lamborghini on Tuesday to get some frozen yogurt at an L.A. Pinkberry with Sean Kingston. It is unknown whether Diddy just let him borrow the car or actually gave it to him. This raises a few questions: 1) Why the hell would Diddy give a 16-year old his $200,000+ car? Maybe he's trying to hit up Mrs. Bieber and thought this would impress her. 2) If you were going to get frozen yogurt in a really expensive car, why would you invite Sean Kingston? That dude is probably the messiest eater ever. I imagine him eating ice cream would go something like this and then he'd have to wash it down like this.

The Lamborghini Gallardo adds to Bieber's car collection as Usher gave him a Range Rover for his 16th birthday. It's good to be the Biebs these days.


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