Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yao Ming Might Retire After Next Season

ya ming might retire after next season houston rockets
Yao Ming broke his foot during the 2009 Western Conference semifinals against the Los Angeles Lakers and hasn't played since. He revealed yesterday that he might quit after next season if he does not fully recover. What the hell kind of broken foot takes over a year to heal? He should probably stop drinking so much tea and start drinking a little bit more milk.

Yao decided not to opt out of the final year of his contract and will make $17.7 million next season. There is no way he will get as big of a contract as his last one if he decides to continue playing after this year so maybe all of this "quitting" talk is just to prepare him for that. He will be a great expiring contract trade candidate for the Rockets if they are in playoff contention and he continues to struggle with his injury recovery. Maybe he should retire, he can't even dunk on Nate Robinson!

God I love that video.


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