Sunday, July 25, 2010

Woman Throws Bag Of Urine

Police said a California woman tried to run over a man with her car, then hurled a bag of urine at arresting officers. Pasadena Lt. Chris Russ said 39-year-old Monica Avila was booked for investigation of attempted murder. Investigators said the brother of Avila's ex-boyfriend notified police there was a trespasser on his property at about 3 a.m. Thursday. When the 44-year-old man went outside to talk to Avila, she allegedly tried to run him over with her vehicle and fled. Police spotted her a short time later and pulled her over. The lieutenant said Avila suddenly removed her urostomy bag and threw it at the three arresting officers, who were splashed with urine.

People always ask me why I piss in sandwich bags instead of toilets and this is why.  Listen, I'm a pretty cautious driver but I don't know when I'm gonna run over my friend and then caught up in a wild goose chase. I don't carry a gun or any weapons besides my giant pythons on my arms so what other choice do I have but to throw my piss at the cops? But on a serious note. What's a urostomy bag? I think I know what it is and it just makes this story better. Like it makes her seem a little less crazy because she wasn't actually driving around all day with a zip loc bag of pee. The way I see it is she was simply doing what it took to get out of that situation. She left absolutely nothing in the chamber. Gotta respect that.

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