Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Orleans Tells Chris Paul To Put His Swords Away For a Minute

NEW ORLEANS -- Chris Paul jumped at the chance to express his love for New Orleans during his annual youth basketball camp on Tuesday. Only the subject of his future with the Hornets gave him pause. Paul said his meeting with Hornets general manager Dell Demps, head coach Monty Williams and team president Hugh Weber on Monday "went really well." He added that he was "excited" by Williams' approach to coaching. Paul even went so far as to say he's "never been able to envision" continuing his NBA career anywhere but New Orleans, the city where he became an NBA All-Star, the face of his franchise and one of the most popular figures in the community. And yet, when given the chance to say without reservation that he did not want to be traded, Paul said now was not the time. "There will be a time," Paul said, trying repeatedly to turn the focus of his comments back to his work in the community and his camp at Tulane University.

Classic, classic, classic. Chris Paul got to the point where he was done with this relationship. Just absolutely finished and fed up. His bags were packed and the team/lady says, "Hey let's talk about this one more time. I wanna be on the same terms." So CP3 like any loyal human being agrees to talk it over with the New Orleans brass and they paint him some pretty picture and make him promises of how they'll change and work around him and blah, blah, blah. Paul is now feeling really good about himself. Thinks he's getting what he wants. Smiles in the room are contagious and it's hard to act like an asshole when everyone is being so nice to you so now he's all about playing for the Hornets. Sure. Well that's all gonna end when he gets home with his crew, cracks a beer, clears his head and realizes he's too hot for New Orleans. His mojo is through the roof right now and the Hornets don't have the bat speed to keep up with his high cheese. So I expect stories about CP3 and the Hornets to continue all summer as they continues this flirty, love me baby bullshit until the levee's break and all hell breaks loose. Too soon?

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