Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Terrell Owens Signs with Bengals

T.O. agreed to a 1-year/$2 million deal with the Cincinnati Bengals today and joins Chad Ochocinco in what is sure to be the most entertaining WR duo in the NFL. Ochocinco and Terrell Owens have been friends for a long time and they are always tweeting about how they hang out. Ochocinco has been pushing for the Bengals to sign T.O. for a while now even though he has brought trouble to almost all of the places he has played. Although T.O. has lost a step in recent years he should be a much better #2 WR than Antonio Bryant and will likely take some of the pressure of Ochocinco...if he can stop being a locker room distraction.

Great Photoshop work by Chad there although I see them more as Siegfried and Roy - a big gay magic act with lots of surprises in the end-zone. A 1-year deal worth $2 million isn't very risky for the Bengals and could pay off big time if T.O. can play a solid #2 WR and not cause off-field issues. That's a big if though. At least he didn't sign with the Rams because there is no way in hell that would have ended good with T.O. and a rookie QB.

ESPN talked with Ochocino earlier today about the T.O. signing...

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