Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mite Hockey Fight Broken Up by Mom

Hockey fights happen all the time, but not hockey fights between Mites. These little guys are teammates and get into a fight during what looks like practice. One pushes down the other and he immediately gets back up, skates toward the other kid, slashes him, throws down his stick and gloves like he's in the NHL and wants to go. Too bad his mom is a pussy and starts calling his name when something good was about to happen. Where the hell did the kid learn to thrown down his stick and gloves like that? He's either been watching too much Happy Gilmore or Mighty Ducks. We know he hasn't been watching Cindy Crosby. Can you imagine if this happened during the intermission of an NHL game when Mites scrimmage for a few minutes? Drunk dudes cheering on 6-year-olds to beat the crap out of each other - it would be like cockfighting with children.

A word to the wise, next time you are arguing over whether the McDonalds Happy Meal or Burger King Happy Meal is better, rip off each others helmets. You will get nowhere in the fight with helmets on. At least they will be prepared for when they reach the "locker boxing" age.

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