Monday, July 19, 2010

Major League Lacrosse Players are Douchers at the Skills Competition

As if you needed any more evidence to prove lacrosse players are huge douchers...Major League Lacrosse...hold up, hold up, hold up...MLL is still around? I thought that collapsed faster than the World Trade Centers.

Wow, sorry. Dwyane Wade was over and wanted to make a post. I didn't think he'd go that route again. Where's that damn edit button. Anywho, MLL - okay seriously is MLL still going on or is everyone just fucking with me? Major League Lacrosse had their skills competition recently and it consisted of idiots running around with no shoes on trying stupid tricks and failing. The first trick is my favorite as it demonstrates the exact douchiness of lacrosse. You might want to put your speakers on mute because the music choice is horrendous and is raping my ears. Ah, I love a good pun.

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