Monday, July 26, 2010

Henrik Zetterberg Gets Married in Jail Attire

henrik zetterberg wedding marriage sweden detroit red wings emma anderson
Detroit Red Wings forward Henrik Zetterberg got married last week to Swedish TV personality Emma Anderson. That's probably about the only normal event that occurred. Zetterberg and Anderson made their guests dress up in these ridiculous outfits that looked like a combination of something Michael Cera and Perez Hilton would wear. If someone tried to tell me Alcatraz had a gay brother island and they were all locked on it, I would buy it. Some of Zetterberg's teammates, including Johan Franzen, Nicklas Lindstrom and Pavel Datsyuk, attended which will do wonders for their trash talking abilities next season.

emma anderson henrik zetterberg wedding marriage sweden detroit red wings
Ahhhh yes, just the way to make these outfits more macho - cover them up with a matching bathrobe/slipper set. Or wear that hat. Either works. I can think of nothing more manly than a bunch of hockey players dressing up in striped tank-top onesies and posing for pictures together. Bananas in Pajamas called...they want their outfits back.


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