Friday, July 30, 2010

Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi Out - Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler in on American Idol

Ellen DeGeneres Kara DioGuardi Jennifer Lopez Steven Tyler Simon Cowell American Idol Fired Judge
Simon Cowell announced a few months ago that he would not be returning for the next season of American Idol and on Thursday night Ellen DeGeneres tweeted that she was also leaving. A few hours later it was confirmed that Kara DioGuardi had been fired. That meant only Randy Jackson was left on the American Idol judge panel. Deadline reported last night that Idol hired Jennifer Lopez to replace Ellen and Steven Tyler to replace Simon Cowell.

Ellen DeGeneres Kara DioGuardi Jennifer Lopez Steven Tyler Simon Cowell American Idol Fired JudgeI want to bounce quarters off that thing

Ah yes, the keys to success - bring in a washed-up singer that now stars in such winners as The Back-Up Plan (don't forget Gigli) and a dude that looks like an old lady and is addicted to painkillers. If only Paul Abdul were still on the show her and Steven could have "who can pop more pills during each performance" contests. I don't watch American Idol but I might have to start just to see what a train wreck it actually turns out to be. This post does give me a good excuse to post one of the 2 things I am thankful American Idol has given the world - pants on the ground (the other being Carrie Underwood).

If we hadn't gotten that we wouldn't have gotten this...

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