Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zac Efron Spends $2,000 on Strippers and Vodka

It turns out Zac Efron is a little bit more baller than I thought he was. I expected him to spend his entire days getting manicures and buying skinny ties but it turns out he loves strip clubs. This past Sunday night he went to a New York City strip club and spent over $2,000 on lap dances and alcohol. A "spy" told the NY Post...
"Zac came in Sunday night around midnight with Corbin [Bleu] and one other male friend, who paid for everything. They were seated in the VIP lounge behind the main stage. There was only a rail between them and the girls who were dancing.

They ordered one bottle of Belvedere vodka and were enthralled with the dancers. They were interacting a lot with the girls and reaching out and showering money on them. There were three girls who Zac and his friends particularly liked and they asked to do personal dances at their table.

The girls were all slim pretty brunettes, a bit like Zac's girlfriend, Vanessa Hudgens. They were two Americans, called Shannon and Brandi, and a gorgeous Brazilian called Raquel. Zac and the boys had a great time and left around 3 a.m. Monday morning."
It's inevitable that the girlfriend/wife becomes annoying so why not treat yourself to the stripper version of her? I would love to go to a strip club with Zac Efron and have him front the tab for bottles of Belvedere and lap dances but I wouldn't want to go to a regular bar with him because he would be a terrible wing man. Zac talked about the strip club on Kimmel:


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