Thursday, July 29, 2010

Max Talbot Thinks Ovechkin "Is a Real Douche"

Max Talbot Thinks Ovechkin Is a DoucheWhy is he the man? Born that way I guess...

Well you know what Maxime, when you score more than 13 goals in a season then you can start talking shit. What kind of name is "Maxime" anyways? It's as if his parents wished he was a slutty Russian girl. Talbots (yes, I will now refer to him as the women's clothing store) went on a Shitsburgh radio station and started yapping about how he hates Ovechkin. He said "I just hate the guy" to which the hosts responded with "At what point did you realize that the animosity that you had towards Ovechkin went beyond just 60 minutes per game...You bang heads with him a couple times and then you go off the ice and you forget about it. When did you realize that was more of a lingering thing with this guy?" Maxime says, "Uh the first time I met him actually." Talbots went on to say how he went to the 2009 NHL awards when teammate Evgeni Malkin introduced him to Ovechkin. He says...
"Malkin knew Ovechkin and introduced me to him and the first impression wasn't great. I'm not really gonna say what happened, but I'm like, Okay, this guy is a real douche."
Max Talbot Thinks Ovechkin Is a Douche
Ovechkin probably heard these comments while banging all 9 of those chicks - because that's just what he does. I'm sure Ovi is chomping at the bit waiting until they play December 23rd. I can't wait to see him end Talbots season with one hit. The Penguins will really miss his production of 87 career points in 5 seasons. Just to put that in perspective, Ovechkin had 109 points last SEASON. Talbots stands at 5-11/190 pounds compared to Ovechkin's 6-2/220 pounds. I really do want to see them fight because it would be like me versus a 6-year-old autistic kid. Just because Ovechkin is so awesome here are some of his silly goals:

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