Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Take It All Back. We're So Fucked.

State police said they were investigating the theft of a headstone that marked the grave of a woman known as the “Green Lady,” whose ghost is said to haunt the area surrounding the cemetery. Police said the headstone was believed to be taken from the cemetery during the night of July 20.The original headstone on the grave of Elisabeth Palmiter, who died in 1800, was replaced in the 1970s and weighs over 200 pounds. Police said more than one person had to have taken the headstone given its weight.According to legend, Palmiter's ghost has been seen wandering the graveyard in a green mist.Police are asking anyone who may have noticed a vehicle parked in the area of Upson Road between 7:30 p.m. July 20 and 11 a.m. on July 21

Thanks a lot, assholes.  Now I gotta sleep with one eye open for the rest of the summer or until that headstone is returned. You know who's really pissed about this? My boss/agent/cat/business partner/right hand man. He's the one who spends most of his days outside and gallivanting in the wilderness. Now he has to keep his head on a swivel. He's worked too damn hard his whole life to go back to that ghetto life style.

P.S. The Sox are so hot right now.

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