Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amar'e Stoudemire is Jewish

Amar'e Stoudemire is Jewish
That explains why he signed with the Knicks...

Amar'e Stoudemire recently found out that his mother was Jewish which, according to Jewish law, makes the son Jewish. Bee-tee-dubya this is his mom. After learning about his new religious background he demanded more money from the Knicks, decided to retire from the NBA so he could attend college and get a finance degree and take a trip to Israel to learn about his roots. Well that last part is real. He's been twatting about his trip and how he plans to learn Hebrew. I'd just like to point out that his twitter account is "Amareisreal" which was meant to mean "Amare is real" but ironically also nearly reads as "Amare Israel".

Amar'e Stoudemire is Jewish

Amar'e Stoudemire is Jewish

Israel's oldest newspaper, Haaretz, is pushing for Amar'e to join the Israeli national basketball team, saying...
"News of Stoudemire's trip quickly had Israeli basketball fans buzzing with speculation that they might one day see him playing alongside another Jewish NBA star, Israel's Omri Casspi, on the national team.

So far there is no indication as to whether Stoudemire is here to stay – although for the moment, Israel seems to be getting along just fine without him, beating Great Britain 86-82 in Tuesday's training game."
Ahhhh yes, nothing says dominance like beating Great Britain in a training game of basketball. I think this is all a plot by Amar'e so that he can celebrate Chrismukkah without anyone bitching. Also, Amar'e twatted this right after he discovered his Jewish roots...

Amar'e Stoudemire is JewishYeah, okay Amar' were playing Chess...and I was just having a threesome with Marisa Miller and Megan Fox.


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