Monday, July 19, 2010

A Different Inception Opinion

Yoooo Chris...I'm really happy for you and I'maa let you finish but Frank Darabont has one of the best movies of all-time...One of the best movies of ALL-TIME!

inception review leonardo dicaprio ellen page
I also went to see The Matrix Inception but I came out with a slightly different opinion than Blog Dylan, who thought it should be compared with Shawshank Redemption and The Godfather. The movie was good, occasionally great, but was not even close to being one of the best movies of all-time. If you think Inception is even on the same level as those movies you are delusional. I realize it is probably a case of early hype where the movie starts off really high on the IMDB chart and then slowly descends to its rightful place but it's still ridiculous. It was a 150 minute movie that could have easily been 120 minutes and there was so much going on that the actors (namely Leonardo DiCaprio) weren't given a chance to shine.

The best part of the movie was after the Charlie St. Cloud preview. It was quiet for about 5 seconds before the ENTIRE theater erupted in laughter. I mean can you really take a preview seriously where Zac Effron says "Every evening I play catch with my dead brother", "Today is the day we learn how to throw a slider" or the final nail in the coffin at the end of the preview when he says "We'll always be brothers" in a voice-over. It's a lock I'll end up seeing the movie but it was a hilarious moment in the theater nonetheless. All in all, should you go see this movie? Yes. Was it good? Yes. Was it the best movie off all-time? Hell to the no.

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