Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jordon Brault Just Posted His Schedule On Facebook. Hey Sluts, Plan Accordingly!

Back to back study halls on day 1 and 3? And recording then Multimedia? What the fuck is that? Why couldn't I have had that class as option? I'd be at Yale instead of Albertus for my freshman year. I don't think Brault knows how bad he just hit the jack pot with that schedule. I mean that senior courtyard is going to become his kingdom by the first month of school. All parents are gonna be on patrol after 12 PM because they know their children aren't safe with Brault smashing chicks on the picnic tables. It's his guidance counselor gave him the golden ticket and now wants to see if his ass can cash it in or if he'll pussy out and play the conservative role. I'll put my money on the first option. No way that kid doesn't take advantage of this great fortune. Chicks dig Reba. Reba digs Brault. Chicks dig Brault. Boom. Get your glasses ready for the class of 2011. Laser show.

P.S. He better have a twitter. Him and Elliot Debonee need to join forces and start shocking some people.

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