Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lindsay Lohan is Going to Jail Today!

Christmas in July! It's been 2 weeks since Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days in jail and she is due to report to Shawshank at 8:30am PDT. We are in for an awesome few hours of watching Lindsay cry, lie and try to come up with excuse after excuse to get out of going. Yesterday it was reported that her new attorney, Robert Shapiro, quit on her and no one knows what she is going to do about that. She has also been on suicide watch, negotiating her first post-jail interview and tweeting about her awesome relationship with her father.

lindsay lohan jail

lindsay lohan jail

I'm glad to see that everything is good with Lindsay because I definitely don't want to watch her train-wreck of a life. Ah who am I kidding, that is the best part. The ideal scenario before she enters the jail cell would be for her to cry, get yelled at, fail a drug test, be told she has to serve the entire 90 days, not get the post-jail interview deal and be confused for a man and have to go to the dude prison. Here's to everything going as terribly as possible in a few hours!

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