Thursday, July 29, 2010

Antoine Dodson Stops His Sister From Being Raped

antoine dodson attempted rape alabama youtube
4 years ago we were blessed with this hilarious video about a crackhead leprechaun from Mobile. Today we present you with another gem straight out of Alabama. A true diamond in the rough. If there ever was a way to make attempted rape funny, this is it. The name "Antoine Dodson" will soon become an overnight internet sensation after he helped stop his sister from being raped. Apparently his sister woke up to a strange man next to her in bed and started screaming. Antoine rushed into the room and helped her. He described the situation by saying...
“He’s climbing in your window, he's snatching your people up, trying to rape em, so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband because they’re raping everybody out here...We got your t-shirt. You left fingerprints and all. You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real...You don't have to come and confess that you did this. We're looking for you. We, we 'gon find you. So you can run and tell that, homeboy!”
His grasp of the English language would make Mark Twain jealous. Antoine was overheard saying how jealous he was that the man tried to rape his sister instead of him. No crime has gone unsolved in Alabama the past few days because Antoine is on every case. He just puts on a new bandanna and starts solving shit.

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