Thursday, July 21, 2011

Adrianne Curry is Really Good at Twitter...Again

adrianne curry twitter comic con bikini
Adrianne Curry is back to tweeting pictures of herself in barely any clothes this week. She has been going to the pool/tanning/spending tons of time making her nerdy costume for Comic Con and tweeting pictures of it.

Does she realize that she's putting all of this effort into looking hot to go to Comic Con? The people that go to Comic Con only care that you have 2 X chromosomes. Wearing a costume like that to Comic Con will probably get you roofied. To be honest, I'm not totally sure which one she is in the picture on the right below and I'm happy about it.

adrianne curry twitter comic con bikiniadrianne curry twitter comic con bikini
adrianne curry twitter comic con bikiniadrianne curry twitter comic con bikiniadrianne curry twitter comic con bikini

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