Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jeopardy Contestant Doesn't Know Who Cam Newton Is

A contestant on Jeopardy last week selected the "Colleges & Universities" category and was hit with a question about Cam Newton for a daily double. Woulda been an easy $1000 if this dude had any idea who Cam Newton is.

At least he answered with another school with a black quarterback that was being paid. Gotta love Trebek just calling him out . "You're obviously not a big football fan". He's obviously a big fan of Encyclopedias and wearing 1970s draperies as ties. A Canadian embarrassing the hell out of a man on national TV about a football question...that'd be like if I asked a 15-year-old Canadian girl when Justin Bieber's birthday was and I made fun of her because she answered with July 1. Not that I know the Biebs' birthday. Or it'd be like if I asked a 15-year-old Canadian girl who sings "Baby" and I made fun of her because she answered Michael Buble. Should I keep going? No, I think that's enough.

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