Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is This Rogers Cup Ad Slogan the Best Slogan of All-Time?

rogers cup ad slogan tennis canada feminist sexist john mcenroe andre agassi
"Come for the ladies. Stay for the Legends." Boom! Everyone else was thinking it so they might as well just use it as the advertisement slogan. Does take balls though. Pun intended...sort of.

The Rogers Cup is a pretty big deal in Canada and is often called the "Canadian Open". The men's and women's events are in different cities and the women's event is Canada's biggest women's tennis tournament. This year there's going to be a bonus four-man legends event, starring Andre Agassi and John McEnroe, at the same site as the women's event. The poster/slogan was in reference to that. Feminist groups jumped all over this quicker than Adam got kicked off Rivals. Anyone? Anyone?
NOW - “It’s demeaning towards women. It suggests women are just the initial attraction, they don’t actually matter,” said Heather Jarvis of Slut Walk. “It says the real athletes, the real legends, are the men.”

“It’s a poster that’s saying, ‘Come check out the hot ladies and stay for the men, because those are the real athletes.’”

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