Monday, July 11, 2011

I Got Way Too Involved In That Women's Soccer Game Yesterday

DRESDEN, Germany (AP) -- Running low on hope and almost out of time, the Americans were surely beat, about to make their earliest exit from the Women's World Cup. And then, with one of the most thrilling goals in U.S. history, they weren't.Showing a dramatic burst sure to captivate the folks back home, the Americans packed an entire World Cup's worth of theatrics into a 15-minute span by beating Brazil 5-3 on penalty kicks after a 2-2 tie Sunday night.Abby Wambach tied it with a magnificent, leaping header in the 122nd minute, and Hope Solo denied the Brazilians -- again -- in one of the most riveting games in the history of the World Cup, men's or women's."There is something special about this group. That energy, that vibe," Solo said. "Even in overtime, you felt something was going to happen."

I can't even use the excuse that I was drunk and the emotion took me over like when you hook up with a fat chick. I actually sat down on the couch with the sole purpose of checking the score while I ate lunch. That was it. Check the score, stare at myself in the mirror with satisfaction then go back to the beach. Little did I know I was about to be infected by the epidemic known as chick ass soccer. I mean these bitches can play. This isn't like WNBA or dyke college basketball where they pass around a smaller ball and play at a snails pace and the quality of sport is robbed from you. Soccer is soccer. The tempo might not be as fast as the men and it might not be as technical but it's intense as fuck. Like it got real, real fast yesterday and I have to say I'm hooked. Maybe it's the uber patriot in me but I can't wait to buttfuck France on Wednesday.

P.S. Alex Morgan's ass goes for days.

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