Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Long Sigh. Let's Give This Pussy Anonymous Commenter His 2 Minutes of Fame

I like the BJD. BennyWillz is my boy. TimmyKrza is my teammate. Shanil is a sweetheart. WoodE does some weird Rondo shit when he goes in for layups and I dig it. This has nothing to do with them on a personal level. Anonymous commenter returns again at 11:24 PM. Long after I went to bed last night. Apparently this asshole grew popcorn muscles when the sun went down and wants to start talking about heart. Hey dickhead, life aint about heart. If it was then ass hats like Brian Cardinal would be making 25 mill a year. You have to have that special 'ness factor and I have it. But how can you say I don't have heart? Over 2 years running here. Every fucking day there's a post. That's not heart? Get your head out of your ass, pull your fingers out of your vagina, post your actual name then come and talk to me. I'm not hard to find.

P.S. Call me names, spit on my shoes but bring up my heart and I'll fucking bury you. 

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