Monday, July 18, 2011

New Rebecca Black! New Rebecca Black!

It's clear this is a fucking warning shot to all her haters. I mean she just blew the doors off of your living room and said, "listen up, this is my moment." She actually said, "This is my moment" like 34 times but whatever. I'm on board with this bitch. Nothing screams comeback like making a delusional music video that portrays you as a superstar in the studio and then practicing dance moves with a crew. It's like Teresa and Joe on Real Housewives of NJ. We all know about the bankruptcy and money troubles but they still walk around like their shit don't think, having picnics for dinner because they had to sell all their furniture. Just sad to watch. And it's totally OK if you're a dude and didn't understand one word of that reference. Not my fault you're not a pop culture savant like me.

P.S. the last scene where she steps out of the limo only to find about 6 photographers is gold. Rbeezy is ballin on a budget I guess.

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