Thursday, July 21, 2011

I've Danced This Dance Before. Don't You Lie To Me Theo. Not Today. Not Now

Q: Has Josh Reddick made the decision pretty easy about who should be playing right field right now? TE: You can't deny what Josh Reddick is doing and you can't deny that he's a different player than he's been. Josh Reddick has always had all the talents. From the day that we drafted him, the ball jumped off his bat as well as just about any player in our system and he was always really athletic, always a really good outfielder, always a playmaker out in the outfield, always a pretty dynamic baserunner. It was simply a question with Josh, and always has been, of his plate discipline and going up there and not only repeating his swing mechanics but going up there with a plan, working the count, swinging at good pitches and putting himself in a position where he could let that explosiveness off his bat play and let his natural instincts play up there. You can't put too much emphasis on 100 or so at bats, but the bottom line is he finished up so strong last year at Pawtucket to repeat his swing and swing at strikes and went off and hit for a ton of power. And he's been really good all year, not only up here but when he was in Triple A, I know his batting average was low but he was swinging at strikes, he was walking a lot more, he was hitting for power, so I think this is a different guy and a really exciting piece, not only now but for the future. So, again, Tito makes out the lineup, and I'm sure he's going to have a decision to make on a nightly basis, but I don't want to speak for him, but certainly Josh is somebody who's helped us win games you want to put in a position to have him continue to do that.

I swear to you right now. If Theo ends up trading away Josh Reddick and this whole "exciting piece for the future" talk is all mind games to trick another team then Donahue will start raping 8 year olds, one by one. First it'll be the brunettes and then blondes. Nothing and I mean nothing sets me off more than that doublespeak, dishonest bullshit that so many GMs use. One minute you're talking up your players and the next you're hoping some shmuck like the Mets hears it and they offer you everything but the kitchen sink for him. I actually know a ton of chicks who would be great GMs. Just dishonest, conniving little slut rags who deserve nothing more than to get beat by their fathers. 

P.S. I felt bad about that getting beat by their fathers line right after I typed it. Domestic abuse isn't funny. Unless it's deserved. For example, a dishonest, conniving little slut rag would deserve this.

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