Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mila Kunis Was in a Movie Called "Santa with Muscles" with Hulk Hogan

mila kunis santa with muscles hulk hogan marines afghanistan
After reading the Mila Kunis GQ interview and learning she was in a movie called Santa with Muscles with Hulk Hogan I quickly realized this topic needed a new post. I did what any normal first world person would do and googled the movie because I had never heard of it before. Lo and behold the premise was perfect:
Blake (Hulk Hogan), a man who after getting amnesia, thinks he is Santa Claus and then attempts to save an orphanage from developers that intend to take it over for their own purposes.
Good thing Netflix is cheap so I can add it to my queue. Oh, wait. Ed Begley Jr. is also in the movie? Christmas come early! If you don't know who he is well here you go. And a 6-year-old Brenda Song is in the movie? I have so many new movies to watch, stop trying to get me overwhelmed with awesomeness.

Holy christ. I'm speechless. Keep the milk and cookies warm! Leave it to the '90s to make a movie about Santa having muscles. I'm almost ready to throw down my pogs and start playing Treasure Mountain. The only thing that would make this complete would be if Jose Canseco bid on my Princess Diana Beanie Baby.

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