Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ozzie Guillen Gets Nailed in Eye, White Sox Lose, Ozzie Rants - In That Order

Last night was not a good night for Ozzie Guillen. The Chicago White Sox were leading the 40-57 Kansas City Royals 1-0 in the bottom of the 8th inning. Then the Royals tied it 1-1. Then one batter later Ozzie Guillen got nailed in the right eye with a foul ball.

Then in the bottom of the 11th the White Sox lost on a wild pitch. All of those factors added up to another classic Ozzie Guillen post-game rant. Try to keep track of all of Ozzie's F-bombs in this one. Ready. Set. Go!

After the game he tweeted a phrase that translated to "going to the red wine" but apparently it was a reference to the Venezuelan soccer game. He obviously went home after this game and got hammered so I'm going to stick with believing it's the wine translation.

ozzie guillen rant 7-20 chicago white sox kansas city royals hit in eye

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