Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Paris Hilton Storms Out of Interview

Paris Hilton turned 30 in February and now has a new reality show called The World According to Paris on Oxygen. The show has been getting horrible ratings and The New York Times writes that in the show Paris comes off as "a Sony Walkman in an iPod era, a Friendster in the age of Facebook." I couldn't have said it better myself. The bitch sucks and is a no talent ass-clown that had her moment 8 years ago yet refuses to accept that.

She sat down with ABC News reporter Dan Harris for a segment on Good Morning America today I know this is shocking but she walked out of the interview and threw a shit fit after he implied that her time in the spotlight is over.

Classic Paris to forget to turn off her microphone before crying about not wanting the video to be used. What a cunt. I realize she's probably the dumbest person on the planet behind the cast of Jersey Shore and ahead of Jessica Simpson but all of them could come up with an answer about how their time in the spotlight isn't over. If you can't even answer why your moment has passed then you're time is clearly up. The only way this would have been better is if she just started crying.

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