Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3 Is a Crowd, Boys.

RJ's Daily Extension? Not sure what that even means but I'll go along with it because I saw it pop up on my twitter feed. I thought it would be some sort of competition but then I got to reading and remembered I'm the one with a crown on my head. I'm also the one who has been out of high school for 3 years. But I'll tell you something, I'm not hating these other blogs trying to cyber blow me. Maybe you can wash my grundle for me in the shower, too? It's like I'm eating chocolate covered strawberries from my castle in Rome while these other warring nations scrap in some civil war bullshit, awaiting the approval of the big bad emperor. Well it aint gonna happen. Not on my watch. I like war. I like watching bloodshed. Divide and conquer is the name of the game.

TheLegend? Really?We'll see about that.

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